Through my art I look to communicate the interactive performance of life and the reflection of thus via a multi-dimensional doctrine of signs and symbols that both shape and mystify me as an the artist myself. I choose mediums with challenging visibility aspects such as rust and silver, as an ode to alchemy and an invitation to the audience to look deeper beyond what is seen by the naked eye.

By engraving fine lines into rusted metal, one must look closer to understand that beneath the rust, there is light that reflects back . To truly see the art and appreciate it, I want you to see your reflection within it. To allow yourself to be present and to enjoy the light within objects that have been discarded or deemed no longer useful or precious I, as the artist, hope that you begin to recognize everything as a reflection of self. We are light reflected.Light exists even when it is hard to see.

Sometimes we must look beyond the physical to the metaphysical in the search for truth. I am an aspiring alchemist, forever looking for gold in a trash can.