"Every once in a while someone comes along who captures your gaze with a kind of unshakable power, a genuineness you can sense, a mesmerizing mutability that doesn’t quite let you pin down what you’re seeing. That’s precisely how Cat King is: a kind of modern day mirage you can’t exactly figure out. One moment you’re captivated by her bright green eyes contrasting with her jet black hair, her tough girl tattoos and boisterous DJ mixes that make you want to stay up all night with your baddest friends. The next minute she’s an angelic blond, with disarmingly ernest tenderness, wearing her heart on her sleeve, writing poems on old wooden saws, screeching sweetly into a microphone. Sweet, wild, hopeful, hysteric enchantress, this tattooed love-child of Iggy Pop and Marilyn Monroe is going places. " By Wilson Sherwin (Carini Lang Gallery NYC)